
27.01.2020. Talk at 12th International Holocaust Remembrance Days in the Podkarpackie voivodship; Małgorzata Fabiszak: “Reconstructing Jewish cemetery in Poznań”.
Presentation (in Polish)

14.09.2019. European Heritage Days. A lecture (in Polish) on “The evangelical cemeteries in contemporary Poznan” by Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Malgorzata Fabiszak.
Presentation (in Polish)

23-24.11.2017. Konferencja Krajobrazy pamięci w kontekstach społecznych i kulturowych [A conference Memory landscapes in social and cultural contexts], Institute of Sociology, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland; Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Małgorzata Fabiszak: Integracja czy zatarcie warstw pamięci? Tablice (nie)pamięci w krajobrazie miejskim Poznania [Integration or blurring of the layers of memory? (Non-)memorial plaques in the urban landscape of Poznań]
Abstract in Polish
Presentation in Polish

21-23.09.2017. Conference of the Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association, Rzeszów, Poland M. Fabiszak: “Container and source path goal in discourses of collective memory”.

14-15.09.2017. Culture, cognition, communication conference, UMCS, Lublin, Poland. M. Fabiszak: “Container and source path goal in discourses of collective memory”.

25-27.08.2017. Gesture and Speech in Interaction, UAM, Poznań, Poland. A. Jelec – M. Fabiszak – A.W. Brzezińska “Individual variation in gestural markers of uncertainty”.

31.05-03.06.2017. AFLiCO conference (French Society of Cognitive Linguistics), Liege, Belgium. M. Fabiszak: “CONTAINER and SOURCE-PATH-GOAL schemata in multimodal discourses of collective memory”

18-20.05.2017. Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference, Odense, Denmark, M. Fabiszak: “Discourse Historical Approach to metaphor or the socio-political and historical ecology of metaphor”

19-22.04.2017. Konferencja Scandinacian Association of Language and Cognition. Lund, Sweden, M. Fabiszak: “Axiological ambiguity of the CONTAINER and related schemas in multimodal discourses of collective memory”.

18.11.2016. Sympozjum in memoriam Prof. Anny Duszak [Symposium in memoriam of Professor Anna Duszak] Institute of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw, Poland; Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Weronika Brzezińska: “My i inni w dyskursach o tożsamości i pamięci zbiorowej czterech pokoleń poznaniaków” [Us and them in the discourses of collective memory of the 4 generations of Posnanians]
Abstract in Polish
Presentation in Polish

September 15-17th, 2016. Poznań Linguistic Meeting. Anna Jelec i Małgorzata Fabiszak: „They say - I say. Shrugs, head tilts and palm up open hand gestures as markers of uncertainty in the context of collective memory”.

September 10th, 2016. Workshop: „Dziedzictwo protestanckie – odkrywanie zapomnianej karty historii”, [The protestant heritage – turning the page of forgotten history] Kwileckie Centrum Kultury w Kwiliczu. Anna Weronika Brzezińska: „Jak pamiętać, żeby nie zapomnieć? Etnologiczne badania cmentarzy i miejsc pamięci” [How to remember not to forget? Ethnological research of cemeteries and memorials].
Presentation in Polish

July 1st-4th, 2016, Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference, Free University Berlin, Germany. Małgorzata Fabiszak: ”Metaphor, metonymy and image schemata in memorial landscapes”.

June 13th-14th, 2016, ”Small Forms” conference, University of Łódź, Poland. Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Weronika Brzezińska: ”Commemoration Plaques – small forms of collective memory”.

June 9th, 2016, international symposium: “Imagining and Communicating Space/Place: Critical Reflections and Interdisciplinary Perspectives”, University of Örebro, Sweden. Małgorzata Fabiszak: “Dynamic transformation of urban landscapes – a case of Jewish cemetery in Poznań”.

May 19th, 2016, conference: Cultural ecology. Inspirations - interpretations - perspectives. university of Silesia, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science, Cieszyn. Anna Weronika Brzezińska: “Difficult revitalisations? Managing the former cemeteries in Poznań” (in Polish)
Abstract in Polish
Presentation in Polish

April 18th-19th, 2016, conference: Democratization in public debate, University of Łódź; Małgorzata Fabiszak, Anna Weronika Brzezińska and Marta Gruszecka: “Lech Poznan supporters – erasing the distances of power or managing the social movements” (in Polish)
Presentation in Polish

August 20–21, 2015, workshop: “Interdisciplinary perspectives on populist discourse in Germany and Poland”, Viadrina University Germany; Małgorzata Fabiszak – Marta Gruszecka: “Between populism and civic engagement”

May 27th-30th, 2015, conference: Transdisciplinary Qualitative Research Symposium, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań; theme session Heritage, memory and commemoration. Instrumentalization of concepts and the interaction of qualitative and quantitative research; Małgorzata Fabiszak - Anna Brzezińska “Jews and Germans in Poznań - a forgotten heritage? - An analysis of the press corpus and focus interviews” (conference and presentation in Polish)
Presentation in Polish

April 12th-14th, 2015, New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Łódź; Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Brzezińska: "Neighbour, stranger, citizen of Poznań – representation of the other in the narratives of four generations of Poznań inhabitants"

April 9th-10th, 2015, Conference in Polish organised by the Historical Museum of the City of Cracow, “Miejsce po, miejsce bez. Interdyscyplinarne spojrzenie na dynamikę przestrzeni społeczno-kulturowej” [A place after, a place without. A interdisciplinary perspective on the dynamics of socio-cultural space]; Anna Brzezińska: “Poznaniacy z cynowych trumien. Społeczny kontekst ekshumacji prowadzonych na terenie byłych cmentarzy” [Posnanians from the tin coffins. Social context of the exhumations conducted at the site of former cemeteries].
Abstract in Polish
Presentation in Polish

September 18th-20th, 2014 Sacrum in traditional and contemporary culture, Lublin.
Abstract in Polish
Presentation in Polish

September 1st-3rd, 2014 Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines Conference – Małgorzata Fabiszak and Anna Brzezińska “Collective memory, identity and urban landscape: Poznań regional media vs. city elites”

June 2nd, 2014, guest lecture “Collective memory, collective identity and cultural landscape: A case study of Poznań” in the Institute of Cultural Studies, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin
Abstract in Polish
Presentation in Polish

May 8th-10th 2014 conference, Political Linguistics Conference in Warsaw – Małgorzata Fabiszak i Anna Brzezińska “Collective memory, identity and urban landscape: Poznań regional online media and their readers”