Editor / Hoofdredacteur / Uitvoerende redakteur
Jerzy Koch
Editorial secretary /
Redactiesecretaris / Redaksiesekretaris
Katarzyna Wiercińska
Assistants to the editor
/ Assistent-redacteurs / Assistentredakteurs
Zie: het desbetreffende nummer
Board / Adviesraad / Raadgewende paneel
David Attwell (York)
C.J. Conradie (Johannesburg)
Theo D'haen (Leuven)
G.J. Dorleijn (Groningen)
Joan Hambidge (Cape Town / Kaapstad)
Siegfried Huigen (Stellenbosch / Wrocław)
Ernst Kotzé (Port Elizabeth)
Maria-Theresia Leuker (Köln)
Bert Paasman (Amsterdam)
O.J. Praamstra (Leiden)
Wim Rutgers (Aruba)
T.L. Vaessens (Amsterdam)
H.P. van Coller (Bloemfontein)
Louise Viljoen (Stellenbosch)
is a peer-reviewed journal
Werkwinkel is een tijdschrift beoordeeld door
Werkwinkel is 'n eweknie-geëvalueerde tydskrif
A scientific journal devoted to a broad perspective on Dutch and South African languages, literatures and cultures. Articles are published in English, Dutch and Afrikaans, and the double blind peer review policy (two anonymous external specialists review an anonymous version of a manuscript) is followed. The structure of the journal consists of three parts: Papers – with scientific research articles, Views – with opinions, polemics, points of view, academic insights and extended academic research and Reviews.
Werkwinkel is online available and all content can be found via the following website: http://wa.amu.edu.pl/werkwinkel/ and via De Gruyter Open: https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/werk
Werkwinkel content is also accessible through the Amur Repository.
Here you can find a ranking web of repositories in Poland, with different portals providing a detailed list of different institutions, with information about the size, visibility, files and scholars that visited a specific article. The AMUR Repository hosts the most important and known repositories in Poland.
Werkwinkel Review Process
List of peer
reviewers / Lijst
van recensenten / Lys van eweknie-keurders
Werkwinkel appears on the "European Reference Index for the Humanities" and on the list of scientific journals (PDF), recognised by the Polish government.
Werkwinkel included in the published standardized register of academic journals
Prof. dr. habil. Jerzy Koch
Wydział Anglistyki UAM
al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań
Poland / Polen / Pole
Typesetting, layout,