Gábor Szabó-Zsoldos sprak voor de vakgroep
Op 21 november sprak Gábor Szabó-Zsoldos voor de vakgroep over Boer communities and the British Colonial Policy, 1846-1881.
Onze Hongaarse collega is bij ons dit semester als beursaal (Post-master) van de International Visegrad Fund (IVF) en maakt gebruik van de expertise aanwezig in de vakgroep alsook van de Zuid-Afrikaanse collectie in de bibliotheek.
On 21 November Gábor Szabó-Zsoldos held a lecture for the Department of Dutch and South African Studies entitled \"Boer communities and the British Colonial Policy, 1846-1881\".
Our Hungarian colleague pursues this semester his Post-Master studies at our Department, which was made possible thanks to the International Visegrad Fund (IVF). He makes use of the expertise which the Department offers, as well as of our library’s South African collection.