The corpus titled “Greater Poland Spoken Corpus” contains partly annotated recordings of modern, spoken Polish from the area of Greater Poland.

The corpus consists of recordings of 94 subjects for the area of Greater Poland (Wielkopolska). This includes both standard and vernacular speakers.

The structure of the corpus is as follows: a list of read 182 sentences in order to represent all Polish consonants in various phonetic contexts and an informal interview, conducted in pairs in the presence of two fieldworkers. The topics of the interview part were the same for all speakers, i.e. studies for standard speakers and job/school for vernacular speakers, living in Poznan and the use of the Internet.

The corpus is available upon email request (at along with files containing metadata of the speakers, orthographic transcripts as well as textgrids of selected fifteen minutes of the interview. It can be used for non-commercial purposes only.

The corpus was funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the frameworks of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities, research grant number 0113/NPRH2/H11/81/2013.

For more information, see the full description Sample recordings are under " Próbki nagrań" in the menu.
