Young linguists' meeting in Poznań

young linguists' meeting in poznań


board and lodging


There are three available types of accommodation:

  • Inter Sport Hotel
    We are happy to announce that YLMP participants have the possibility to be accommodated in the Inter Sport Hotel. The hotel is situated only a
    10-minute-walk from the conference venue. The hotel offers a range of nice single, double, triple and multi-person rooms, as well as a sauna and a gym. Wireless Internet is available in the building.
    The prices (with discounts) are as follows:

    Single room: 80PLN/night
    Double room: 120PLN/night (60PLN per person)
    Triple room: 150PLN/night (50PLN per person)
    Multi-person room (3-6 persons): 240PLN/night (40PLN per person)

    To check the current rate of the Polish zloty please go to this website

    The YLMP lodging is the cheapest offer in the city!

    Please note that there may be further discounts if the number of students accommodated in the hotel is high.

    Here is the hotel's webpage. Click here to see some photos of the hotel.


    Parties interested in staying at the InterSport Hotel during the conference are asked to contact the organisers at in order to make reservations. Deadline for reservations is March 15th, however quicker notice is more than welcome!

  • student lodgings (a fun and very cheap way to attend our conference; availability limited)

  • other hotels and hostels


Please note that only the coffee/tea breaks are free of charge.

For all those accommodated in the Inter Sport Hotel breakfast and dinner will be served. The hotel will charge 15 PLN per meal.

Please contact us for additional information.

