Submission of abstracts
Being a conference devoted to matters historical linguistics, HEL-P 2017 accepts abstracts the old-fashioned way, i.e., via e-mail. Please send your abstract to Identification: The abstract must remain fully anonymous, therefore please provide all the necessary information (names and titles, affiliations, etc.) in the body of your message. Please make sure that your files do not include your name in the metadata (document properties). Length: Between 300 and 500 words (excluding the title, linguistic examples, and references). Please state the word count of your abstract at the end. If your abstract does not comply with this requirement, you will be requested to modify it. If you require extra space for e.g. figures or syntactic trees, limit those to one extra page. Otherwise, try to keep your abstract within one page. Formatting: Please limit the formatting to an absolute minimum. The preferred layout is as follows: the page size A4, with 2 cm margins on all sides, Times New Roman 14 pts bold for the title and 12 pts regular for the abstract body. Accepted file formats: To make the abstracts maximally accessible to our reviewers, please generate a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. A free, open-source PDF generator is available from here. However, if your abstract is accepted, you will be asked to supply an editable file (e.g. Word or OpenOffice) for us to be able to include it in the Book of Abstracts. Thus, you should keep your original file as specified above. The deadline for abstract submission is the 15th of May, 2017.