Data bank
The raw data collected in the experiment include 26 data sets for each participant – 4 data sets from the 30 participants who took part in the experiment were discarded because of being incomplete. The participants were coded as P03-P31 (P01 was used to check and improve experimental procedure and the data are not included in the analysis; P02, P20, P22, P23 had incomplete keylogging files and were also excluded from analysis). Each folder for a participants includes the following files:
- xml files from the keylogging program (Translog II) marked for each text, task and participant
- a MORAE folder with the screen capture recording from the translation process
- a folder with the eyetracking files for each text
- The following xml files: FAN03_R [reading the ST before translating it], FAN03_TR [keylogging file of the translation process], MOP03_R [reading the ST before translating it], MOP03_TR [keylogging file of the translation process], POW03_R [reading the ST before translating it], POW03_TR [keylogging file of the translation process], SIL03_R [reading the ST before translating it], SIL03_TR [keylogging file of the translation process], TT_EN_03 [keylogging file of the text copying test in English], TT_PL_03 [keylogging file of the text copying test in Polish], VF_EN_03 [keylogging file of the verbal fluency task in English], VF_PL_03 [keylogging file of the verbal fluency task in Polish]
- MORAE folder with the following rdg files: FAN03, MOP03, POW03, SIL03
- Folders: FAN03, MOP03, POW03, SIL03 with the eye-tracking files (please note that these are raw data and the quality of the files needs to be assessed before analysis)