PSiCL Volume 35 (1999)

Table of contents

Scott Baxter (Poznań): On the asymmetry of affricates. Pages: 7-22. [Pdf]

Bożena Cetnarowska (Katowice): The position of object pronominals in Polish verbal nominals. Pages: 23-34. [Pdf]

Ayşe Pamir Dietrich (Ankara): Relational grammar and impersonal passives. Pages: 35-54. [Pdf]

Mochammad M. Fallahi (Tehran): Fature tense systems in English and Persian: A research in applied contrastive linguistics. Pages: 55-71. [Pdf]

Jens-Eberhard Jahn (Haidelberg): The political, ethnic and linguistic borders of the Upper Adriatic after the dissolution of Yugoslavia. Pages: 73-81. [Pdf]

Rajai Khanji (Amman): Audience judgement and the role of the terminologist in technical lexicography. Pages: 83-93. [Pdf]

Paul M. Musau (Nairobi): Avoiding phonotactically inadimissible L2 sequences: The case of Swahili learners. Pages: 95-104. [Pdf]

Eddie Ronowicz (Sydney): Methodological issues of testing language attrition in children in a natural bilingual environment. Pages: 105-117. [Pdf]

Przemysław Tajsner (Poznań): A minimalist analysis of compound future in Polish. Pages: 119-131. [Pdf]

Peter Trudgill (Lausanne): Language contact and the function of linguistic gender. Pages: 133-152. [Pdf]

Andrejs Veisbergs (Riga): Clipping in English and Latvian. Pages: 153-163. [Pdf]

Marcin Kilarski (Poznań): On 'linguistic male nipples': review artile of Sprache - Genus/Sexus by Heinz Sieburg (ed.) Pp. 386. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 1997.. Pages: 165-173. [Pdf]