Please note that the deadline for submissions has expired.
Abstracts of papers and posters to be presented at PLM2010 must comply with the following guidelines:
- Identification: The abstract must remain fully anonymous. (You will submit your contact data on the EasyAbs submission page but these will be invisible to the reviewers.)
- Length: Between 250 and 500 words (excluding the title, linguistic examples, and references, if any). Please state the word count of your abstract at the end. If your abstract does not comply with this requirement, you will be requested to modify it. If you require extra space for e.g. figures or syntactic trees, limit those to one extra page. Otherwise, try to keep your abstract within one page.
- Formatting: Please limit the formatting to an absolute minimum. Use the Doulos SIL font (not SIL Doulos!) for IPA characters and any other special characters. The font can be downloaded free of charge from here.
- Abstract templates: We recommend using our downloadable templates:
– MS Word
– OpenOffice
The templates take care of all the basic layout requirements. Download the template of your choice, enter your text, and save to your hard disk.
- Layout: If you pefer not to use the templates above, set the page size to A4, with 2 cm margins on all sides, and use Times New Roman 14 pts bold for the title and 12 pts regular for the abstract body.
- Accepted file formats: To make the abstracts maximally accessible to our reviewers, please generate a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. A free, open-source PDF generator is available from here.
- Submitting: Please submit your abstract through the Linguist List's EasyAbs system [link opens in a new tab/window]. Make sure you select the required session (thematic or general) from the drop-down menu.
- Extended submission deadline: 20 April 2010.