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PLM2007 Session: Anglicisms

As a follow-up to the conference "Anglicisms in Europe" organized in September 2006 by the University of Regensburg, a one-day workshop on anglicisms in European languages will be held during the 38th Poznań Linguistic Meeting.

Abstracts are invited for 20-minute presentations (plus 10 minutes discussion) on topics dealing with dictionaries and corpora of anglicisms and the adaptation of anglicisms.

Abstracts should be a maximum of one page (12 point font). A second page may be included for references or data. Please submit your abstract in a pdf file as an attachment to the the conference's email address: Abstracts should be anonymous, with only the title of the paper at the top of the page. In the body of the message, please include the following information:

  • Author's name and affiliation
  • Title of paper
  • Email address

Abstract submission deadline: 1 May 2007

Notification of acceptance: 1 June 2007

Contact information:
Marcin Kilarski
School of English
Adam Mickiewicz University
al. Niepodleglosci 4
61-874 Poznań, Poland
email: kilarski at

Workshop organizers:
Marcin Kilarski
Marcin Ptaszyński