Presentations and programme
Conference programme
Saturday the 23th of November
8:00 — registration opens
9:00 — 9:30 conference opening and general welcome
9:30 — 10:30
plenary talk — Upper Lecture Room
Olga Timofeeva (University of Zurich) - Standardisation processes in Old and Middle English: The role of communities and networks
10:30 — 11:00 coffee break
11:00 — 13:00 session papers
Session A — Room 241
Hanna Rutkowska (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań) - Paratextual pragmatic markers in title pages of early printed books
Minako Nakayasu (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine) - Spatio-temporal systems in Margaret Paston’s letters: A discourse-pragmatic perspective
Karolina Rudnicka (University of Gdańsk) - So-adj-a construction as a case of obsolescence in progress
Session B — Upper Lecture Room
Elisa Ramírez Pérez (University of Bristol) - Morphological simplification in the late Northumbrian dialect: The case of weak verbs class II
Yoshitaka Kozuka (Aichi University of Education) - The interchangeability of the demonstrative pronouns and the third-person pronouns in Old English
Paulina Zagórska (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań) - The morphology of the twelfth- century forged legal documents
Session C — Room 242
Roberto Torre Alonso (Universidad de la Rioja) - Re-thinking the semantic classification of Old English verbs of acquisition. Evidence from grammatical behaviour
Carmen Novo Urraca (Universidad de la Rioja) - Morphology, semantics and textual frequency of adjectival compounds in Old English
Raquel Mateo Mendaza (Universidad de la Rioja) - The identification of the Old English exponent for the semantic prime DO
13:00 — 15:00 lunch break
15:00 — 17:00 session papers
Session D — Room 241
Julia Landmann (University of Heidelberg) - Borrowed metaphor: A socio-cognitive perspective
Anna Rogos-Hebda (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań) - Refugees - Real or fake, that is the question
Kalina Krysińska (independent scholar) - The linguistic representation of Saracens in the stanzaic Guy of Warwick
Justyna Rogos-Hebda (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań) - Multimodal contexts for visual code-switching: Abbreviating Latin and English in two MSS of Gower’s Confessio Amantis (Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.3.2 and Cambridge University Library MS Dd.8.19)
Session E — Room 242
Jerzy Nykiel (University of Bergen ) - 'I can't take my eyes off of that' - the development of the complex preposition off of from Middle English onwards
Michał Kaluga (University of Warsaw) - Gerund versus to-infinitive: Competition in the adjectival complementation system in Middle English
Anna Cichosz (Uniwersytet Łódzki) - V-1 and þa-VS in Old English prose and verse
Maciej Grabski (Uniwersytet Łódzki) - The functional relations between the Old English asyndetic patterns of adjectival modification
17:15 — 19:00 conference reception
Sunday the 24th of November
9:00 — 10:00
plenary talk — Upper Lecture Room
Elżbieta Adamczyk (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) - Plurality patterns in Northern West Germanic: A diachronic and typological perspective
10:00 — 10:30 coffee break
10:30 — 12:00 session papers
Session F — Room 241
Michiko Ogura (Tokyo Woman's Christian University) - Hunger or be hungry? Verb and ‘be + adjective’ as alternatives
Marta Sylwanowicz (University of Social Sciences in Warsaw) and Anna Wojtyś (University of Warsaw) - The adversary or the devil? Semantic analysis of wiþer-nouns in Old English
Session G — Room 242
Marco Condorelli (University of Central Lancashire) - Semantic disambiguation in alternant <u˃ and <w˃
Jacob Thaisen (Oslo University) - Another look at Samuels’s Type II
Koichi Kano (Meiji University) - Towards a new edition of the Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester: Building a parallel text version, its role and impact
12:30 — 13:00 coffee break
13:00 — 14:30 session papers
Session H — Room 241
Renata Bočková (Charles University) - Old English nominal suffix –els: A survey in diachrony
Rafał Molencki (University of Silesia, Katowice) - The expansion of new words based on the Norse root happ- in late Middle English
Session I — Room 242
Anna Cichosz and Maciej Grabski (Uniwersytet Łódzki) - The position of the genitive in the Old English noun phrase: A corpus-based investigation
Artur Bartnik (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) - The definition of left-dislocation and corpus tagging
Andrzej Łęcki (University of Silesia) - A history of conjunctions introducing negative clauses in English: The case of for dread (that)