Descriptive grammar of English, part I: phonetics
Syllabus and selected bibliography

(IFA library call numbers in square brackets; edition number superscripted)


1. Language, linguistics, phonetics, phonology
2. The vocal tract: (a) anatomy and physiology, (b) laboratory techniques
3. English phonetic transcription
4. Articulatory classification of sounds
5. English sounds and their variants
6. Phonotactics (combinatory phonetics) of English
7. Phonostylistics (fast speech) in English
8. Suprasegmentals of English: (a) syllable, (b) stress, (c) intonation
9. English versus Polish phonetics
10. British versus American phonetics
11. The phoneme

Example exam test here

--- 1968. English pronunciation: a manual for teachers. London: Collier-Macmillan Limited. [Ld,Epro 1/2]

Abercrombie,D. 1967. Elements of general phonetics. Edinburgh. [Lg,Abe 1,8-10,14]

Allen,W.S.1959. Living English speech. London: Longmans. [Lt,All 43-53,104]

Arabski,J. 1987. Wymowa amerykańska. Warszawa: PWN. [Lt,Arab 1-25]

Arend,M.Z. 1929. O wymawianiu angielskiem.Poznań: Nakładem Autora. [Ld,Are 1]

Arnold,G.F. & A.C.Gimson.1968. English pronunciation practice. London: The University Press. [Lt,Arno 1-24,26-38,42]

Ashby,P. 20052[1995]. Speech sounds. London: Routledge. [Ld,Ash 1]

Ashby,M. & J.Maidment. 2005. Introducing phonetic science. Cambridge: CUP. [Lg,Ash 1]

Avery,P. & S.Ehrlich. 1992. Teaching American English pronunciation. Oxford: The University Press. [La,Ave 1-3]

Baker,A. 1982. Ship or sheep? Introducing English pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Bake 2]

Baker,A. 1999. Pronunciation pairs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Bake 3-4]

Ball,M.J. & J.Rahilly. 1999. Phonetics: the science of speech. London: Edward Arnold. [Lg,BallM 1]

Bałutowa,S. 19999[1965]. Wymowa angielska dla wszystkich. Warszawa: Philip Wilson. [Lt,Bał 1-24]

Barnard,G.L. & P.S.McKay.1966. Practice in spoken English. London: Macmillan & Co, Ltd. [Lt,Bar 1]

Benni,T. 1946. Ortofonja angielska. Rzym: Wydział Oświaty 2 Korpusu.

Biedrzycki,L. 1995. A practical pronouncing dictionary of British and American English. Warszawa: PWN. [MD,Bie 1]

Bogle,D. 1996. Practical phonology. Edinburgh: Moray House Publications.

Borden,G. J. & K. S. Harris. 1984. Speech science primer. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. [Lg,Bord 1]

Bowen,T. & J. Marks. 1992. The pronunciation book: Student centered activities for pronunciation work. Burnt Mill: Longman. [La,Bowen 1]

Bowler,B. & S.Cunningham.1991. Headway. Intermediate and upper intermediate pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brazil,D. 1994. Pronunciation for advanced learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Braz 1-4]

Bronstein,A. 1960. The pronunciation of American English. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. [Ld,Bro 1-32]

Brown,A. (ed.). 1991. Teaching English pronunciation: a book of readings. London: Routledge.

Brown,A. (ed.). 1992. Approaches to pronunciation teaching. London: Macmillan. [La,Appr 1-2]

Brown,G. 19902. Listening to spoken English. London: Longman. [Ld,Brown 1-2]

Buchanan,C. D. 1963. A programed introduction to linguistics: phonetics and phonemics. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company. [Lg,Buc 1-9]

Bunjes,W.E. & D.M.Dittmer. 1972. A systematic approach to English pronunciation. München: Hueber. [La,Bunj 1]

Canepari,L. 2005. A handbook of phonetics. München: Lincom Europa.

Carr,P. 1999. English phonetics and phonology. Oxford: Blackwell. [Ld,Car 1]

Catford,J. C. 1988. A practical introduction to phonetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Lg,Cat 14]

Celce-Murcia,M., D.Brinton & J.Goodwin. 1997. Teaching pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [La,Cel 19]

Christophersen, P. 1962. An English phonetics course. Ikeja, Accra: Longmans. [Ld,Chr 2/5]

Clark,J. & C. Yallop. 19952. An introduction to phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell. [Lg,Clark 1]

Collins,B. & I.M.Mees (eds). 2003. Practical phonetics and phonology. A resource book for students. London: Routledge. [Lg,Collin 1] (CD sample here: glottal stop in Cockney; [M,Med 107])

Cruttenden,A. 2001. Gimson's pronunciation of English [6th edition]. London: Edward Arnold. [Ld,Gim 1-13]

Crystal,D. 19964. A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. Oxford: Blackwell. [MD,Cry 1]

Dalton,C. & B. Seidlhofer. 1994. Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [La,Dal 1-5]

Dauer,R.M. 1986. Accurate English: a complete course in pronunciation.Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

Davenport,M. & S.J.Hannahs. 1998. Introducing phonetics and phonology. London: Edward Arnold. [Ld,Dave 1-2]

Davidsen-Nielsen,N. 1994. An outline of English pronunciation. Copenhagen: Odense University Press.

Dickushina,O.J. 1965. English phonetics. Moscow: Prosveshch'enie. [Ld,Dic 1]

Ehrlich,E. & R. Hand,Jr. 1984. NBC handbook of pronunciation. New York: Harper & Row. [MD, NBC 2 ]

Fraser,H. 2001. Teaching pronunciation: a handbook for teachers and trainers. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.

Gilbert,J. 19932. Clear speech: pronunciation and listening comprehension in American English. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Gilb 2, 23-24]

Gimson,A. C. 19894[1962]. An introduction to the pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold. [6th edition as: A. Cruttenden. 2001. Gimson's pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold] [Ld,Gim 1-13]

Grant,L. 1993. Well said. Advanced English pronunciation. Boston,MA: Heinleand Heinle.

Gussenhoven,C. & A.Broeders. 1981. English pronunciation for student teachers. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff-Longman.

Gut,U. 2009. Introduction to English phonetics and phonology. Frankfurt: Peter Lang

Hagen,S.A. & P.Grogan. 1992. Sound advantage. A pronunciation book. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall Regents. [Lt,Hag 1]

Hahn,L. & W.Dickerson. 1999. Speechcraft. Ann Arbor,MI: The University of Michigan Press. [Lt,Hah 1]

Hancock,M. 1995. Pronunciation games. Cambridge: CUP. [Lt,Hanco 1-2]

Hancock,M.2003. English pronunciation in use. Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press. [Lt,Hanco 3]

1999. Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: CUP. [Lg,HIPA 1,2]

Handke,J. 2001. The Mouton interactive introduction to phonetics and phonology. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter.

Hardcastle,W.J. & J.Laver (eds). 20102 [1997]. The handbook of phonetic sciences. Oxford: Blackwell. [Lg,HanB 4]

Hawkins,P. 1984. Introducing phonology. London: Hutchinson. [Lg,Hawki 1-10]

Haycraft,B. 1971. The teaching of pronunciation. Longman: Harlow.

Hayward,K. 2000. Experimental phonetics. An introduction. London: Longman. [Lg,Hayw 1]

Hewings,M. 2004. Pronunciation practice activities. A resource book for teaching English pronunciationCambridge: Cambridge University Press. [La, Hew 3-4]

Hewings,M. & S.Goldstein. 1997. Pronunciation tasks. A course for pre-intermediate learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Hew 1]

Hill,L.A.1969. Drills and tests in English sounds. London: Longmans. [Lt,Hil 154-158, 172-194]

Hooke,R. & J. Rowell. 1982. A handbook of English pronunciation. London: Edward Arnold. [Lt,Hook 1-2]

House,L.I. 1998. Introductory phonetics and phonology: a workbook approach. Mahwah,NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Janicki,K. 19956. Elements of British and American English. Poznań: SAWW. [Ld,Jan 21-41]

Jassem,W. 19733[1971]. Podręcznik wymowy angielskiej. Warszawa: PWN. [Lt,Jas 24-25]

Jassem,W. 19744[1954]. Fonetyka języka angielskiego. Warszawa: PWN. [Ld,Jas 25,27-31,34-36]

Jassem,W. 1983. The phonology of modern English. Warszawa: PWN. [Lg,Jas 13-22, 24-25]

Jassem,W. 1995. Exercises in English pronunciation. Warszawa: PWN. [LG 19825]

Jenkins,J. 2000. The phonology of English as an international language. Oxford: OUP. [Ld,Jenk 1]

Jensen,J. T. 1993. English phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Lg,Jense 4-8]

Jones,D. 19564[1909]. The pronunciation of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Ld,Jon 1,8,38,40]

Jones,D. 19679[1918]. An outline of English phonetics. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons,Ltd. [Ld,Jon 9-22,36-37]

Jones,D. 198014[1917]. Everyman's English pronouncing dictionary. London: J. M. Dent & Sons,Ltd. [MD,Jon 15-24,28-29]

Jones,D. 199715[1917]. English pronouncing dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [major new edition prepared by Peter Roach & James Hartman; 16th edition of 2003 with CD-ROM]

Katamba,F. 1989. An introduction to phonology. London: Longman. [Lg,Kata 1]

Kelly,G. 2002. How to teach pronunciation. London: Longman. [La,KelG 1]

Kenworthy,J. 1987. Teaching English pronunciation. London: Longman. [La,Kenw 4-6]

Kenworthy,J. 2000. The pronunciation of English: a workbook. London: Edward Arnold.

Kenyon,J. S. 195810. American pronunciation. Ann Arbor, Mich.: George Wahr Publishing. [Ld,Ken 1,3-4]

Kenyon,J. S. & T. A. Knott. 1953. A pronouncing dictionary of American English. Springfield, Mass. : G. & C. Merriam Company. [MD,Ken 18-19]

Knowles,G.O. 1987. Patterns of spoken English. London: Longman. [Ld,Kno 1]

Kreidler,C.W. 1989. The pronunciation of English. A course book in phonology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [Ld,Kre 2]

Kreidler,C.W. 1997. Describing spoken English. An introduction. London: Routledge. [Ld,Kre 1,3]

Krzeszowski,T. P. 1968. An outline of American English phonetics. Warszawa: PWN. [Ld,Krz 1-20]

Ladefoged,P. 20014[1975]. A course in phonetics (with interactive CD-ROM). New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. [Lg,Lade 13-57,81,98-105]

Ladefoged,P. 20042[2000]. Vowels and consonants. Oxford: Blackwell. [Lg,Lade 109]

Ladefoged,P. 2003. Phonetic data analysis. An introduction to fieldwork and instrumental techniques. Oxford: Blackwell. [Lg, Lade 116]

Laver,J. 1994. Principles of phonetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lg,Lav 3]

Laroy,C. 1994. Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lecumberri,M.L. & J.A.Maidment. 2000. English transcription course. London: Arnold. [Lt,Lec 1,2]

Lewis,N. 1963. Dictionary of modern pronunciation. New York: Harper & Row. [MD,Lew 1-2]

Lujan,B. 2004. The American accent guide. A comprehensive course on sound system of American English. Salt Lake City: LingualArts.

MacCarthy,P. 19504. English pronunciation. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons. [Ld,MacC 5-9]

MacCarthy,P. 1965. A practice book of English speech. London: Oxford University Press. [Lt,Macc 23-32]

MacCarthy,P. 1978. The teaching of pronunciation. Cambridge: The University Press.

Mackay,I. 1987. Phonetics: the science of speech production. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. [Lg,Macka 1-2]

Major,R.C. 2001. Foreign accent. Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Malmberg,B. 1963. Phonetics. New York: Dover Publications. [Lg,Mal 2-3]

McCully,C.B. 2009. The sound structure of English: an introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Miatliuk,H. 2000. A guide to theoretical phonetics. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.

Miller,G.M. 1971. BBC pronouncing dictionary of British names. London: Oxford University Press. [MD,Mille 2]

Miller,S.F. 2000. Targeting pronunciation: the intonation, sounds, and rhythm of American English. Boston,MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. [Lt,MilS 1]

Minugh,D. 1986. On pronounceable English: A handbook of English pronunciation. University of Stockholm.

Morley,J. (ed.). 1989. Current perspectives on teaching pronunciation. Washington,D.C.: TESOL

Morley,J. (ed.). 1994. Pronunciation pedagogy and theory. New views, new directions. Alexandria,VA: TESOL.

Mortimer,C. 1984. Elements of pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Mort 24]

Munro Mackenzie,M.D.1973. Modern English pronunciation practice. London: Longman. [Lt,Macke 1,14-19]

Noory,S. 1971. Dictionary of pronunciation. South Brunswick: A.S.Barnes.

O'Connor,J. D. 1973. Phonetics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. [Lg,O'Co 1-5]

O'Connor,J. D. & J. Fletcher.1991. Sounds English. London: Longman. [Lt,O'Co 92-108]

O'Connor,J. D.1980. Better English pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,O'Co 44,47-51]

Odisho,E.Y. 2003. Techniques of teaching pronunciation in ESL, bilingual and foreign language classes. München: Lincom. [La,Odi 1]

Ogden,R. 2009. An introduction to English phonetics. Edinburgh: EUP.

Orion,G. 1988. Pronouncing American English: sounds, stress, and intonation. New York: Newbury House Publishers.

Pennington,M. 1996. Phonology in English language teaching. Harlow: Addison Wesley. [La,Pen 1]

Pilch,H. 1994. Manual of English phonetics. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. [Ld,Pil 1]

Ponsoby, M. 1995.How now, brown cow? A course in the pronunciation of English.New York: Phoenix ELT.

Prator,C. 19854. A manual of American English pronunciation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [Lt,Prat 1; Ld,Pra 1-33]

Pring,J. T. 1966. Colloquial English pronunciation. London: Longmans. [Lt,Pri 20]

Reetz,H. & A.Jongman. 2009. Phonetics : transcription, production, acoustics, and perception. Wiley-Blackwell. [LN6725]

Reszkiewicz,A. 1981. Correct your English pronunciation. Warszawa: PWN. [Lt,Res 78]

Roach,P. 20013 [1983]. English phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: The University Press. [Lt,Roa 1-2]

Roach,P. 1992. Introducing phonetics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. [Lg,Roa 1-4]

Roach,P. 2000. A little encyclopedia of phonetics.

Rockey,D. 1973. Phonetic lexicon. London: Heyden & Son, Ltd. [Ld,Roc 1]

Rogers,H. 2000. The sounds of language. An introduction to phonetics. London: Longman. [Lg,Roger 1]

Rogerson,P. & J.B.Gilbert. 1990. Speaking clearly. Pronunciation and listening comprehension for learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Roge 1-24]

Small,L.H. 1998. Fundamentals of phonetics: a practical guide for students. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall.

Smith,J. & M. Bloor. 1985. Simple phonetics for teachers. London: Methuen.

Sobkowiak,W. & J. Szpyra. 1989. Workbook in English phonetics and phonology. Poznań: AMU Press. [Lg,Sob 9-59,61-119]

Sobkowiak,W. & J. Szpyra. 1995. Workbook in English phonetics for Polish students of English. Poznań: Nakom. [1st edition] [Lg,Sob 140-150]

Sobkowiak,W. & J. Szpyra. 2001. Workbook in English phonetics for Polish students of English. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS. [2nd edition]

Sobkowiak,W. 2000. Fonetyka angielska w pigułce. Konin: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej. [M,Med 55]

Sobkowiak,W. 2004. English phonetics for Poles. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie. [3rd edition; Ld,Sob 3-7]

Strevens,P. 1974. A short pronouncing dictionary of modern English. London: Cassell. [MD,Stre 1-2]

Taylor,L. 1993. Pronunciation in action. New York: Prentice Hall. [La,Tay 2-4]

Tench,P. 1981. Pronunciation skills. Basingstoke: Macmillan. [La,Ten 1-3]

Teschner,R.V. & M.S.Whitley. 2004. Pronouncing English: a stress-based approach. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press

Thomas,C. K. 19582. An introduction to the phonetics of American English. New York: The Ronald Press.

Tibbits,E. 1963. Practice material for the English sounds. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons. [Lt,Tib 1]

Trask,R.L. 1995. Dictionary of phonetics and phonology. London: Routledge. [MD,Tras 3]

Trim,J. 1965. English pronunciation illustrated Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Tri -2]

Underhill,A. 1994. Sound foundations. Oxford: Heinemann. [La, Under A 1-4]

Upton,C., R.Konopka & W.A.Kretzschmar. 2001. The Oxford dictionary of pronunciation for current English. Oxford: OUP. [MD, Oxf 55]

Vaugham-Rees,M. 1994. Rhymes and rhythm: a poem-based course for English pronunciation. London: Macmillan Publishers.

Ward,I. C. 19725 . The phonetics of English. Cambridge: Heffer & Sons. [Ld,War 1-2]

Wells,J. C. & G.Colson. 1971. Practical phonetics. London: Pitman.

Wells,J. C. 1982. Accents of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Ld,Wel 1-3]

Wells,J. C. 20002[1990]. Longman pronunciation dictionary. London: Longman. [MD,Wel 5]

Wełna,J. 1982. English spelling and pronunciation. Warszawa: PWN. [Ld,Weł 1-12]

Whitford,H. 1966. A dictionary of American homophones and homographs. New York: Teachers College Press.

Wijk,A. 1966. Rules of pronunciation for the English language. London: Oxford University Press. [Ld,Wij 2-6]

Windsor Lewis,J. 1969. A guide to English pronunciation. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

Windsor Lewis,J. 1972. A concise pronouncing dictionary of British and American English. London: Oxford University Press.

Wynn,J. B. 1987. An English pronunciation dictionary. Domino Books.

Yates,L. 2002. "Fact sheet - what is pronunciation". Macquarie University: AMEP Research Centre.

Zawadzki,H. 1994. In tempo. An English pronunciation course. Macquarie University: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research.

Other bibliographies:

Joaquim Llisterri's (University of Barcelona)

Last update 12.06.2012