Descriptive grammar of English, part I: phonetics
Syllabus and selected bibliography
(IFA library call numbers in square brackets; edition number superscripted)
--- 1968. English pronunciation: a manual for teachers. London: Collier-Macmillan Limited. [Ld,Epro 1/2]
Abercrombie,D. 1967. Elements of general phonetics. Edinburgh. [Lg,Abe 1,8-10,14]
Allen,W.S.1959. Living English speech. London: Longmans. [Lt,All 43-53,104]
Arabski,J. 1987. Wymowa amerykańska. Warszawa: PWN. [Lt,Arab 1-25]
Arend,M.Z. 1929. O wymawianiu angielskiem.Poznań: Nakładem Autora. [Ld,Are 1]
Arnold,G.F. & A.C.Gimson.1968. English pronunciation practice. London: The University Press. [Lt,Arno 1-24,26-38,42]
Ashby,P. 20052[1995]. Speech sounds. London: Routledge. [Ld,Ash 1]
Ashby,M. & J.Maidment. 2005. Introducing phonetic science. Cambridge: CUP. [Lg,Ash 1]
Avery,P. & S.Ehrlich. 1992. Teaching American English pronunciation. Oxford: The University Press. [La,Ave 1-3]
Baker,A. 1982. Ship or sheep? Introducing English pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Bake 2]
Baker,A. 1999. Pronunciation pairs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Bake 3-4]
Ball,M.J. & J.Rahilly. 1999. Phonetics: the science of speech. London: Edward Arnold. [Lg,BallM 1]
Bałutowa,S. 19999[1965]. Wymowa angielska dla wszystkich. Warszawa: Philip Wilson. [Lt,Bał 1-24]
Barnard,G.L. & P.S.McKay.1966. Practice in spoken English. London: Macmillan & Co, Ltd. [Lt,Bar 1]
Benni,T. 1946. Ortofonja angielska. Rzym: Wydział Oświaty 2 Korpusu.
Biedrzycki,L. 1995. A practical pronouncing dictionary of British and American English. Warszawa: PWN. [MD,Bie 1]
Bogle,D. 1996. Practical phonology. Edinburgh: Moray House Publications.
Borden,G. J. & K. S. Harris. 1984. Speech science primer. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. [Lg,Bord 1]
Bowen,T. & J. Marks. 1992. The pronunciation book: Student centered activities for pronunciation work. Burnt Mill: Longman. [La,Bowen 1]
Bowler,B. & S.Cunningham.1991. Headway. Intermediate and upper intermediate pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brazil,D. 1994. Pronunciation for advanced learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Braz 1-4]
Bronstein,A. 1960. The pronunciation of American English. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. [Ld,Bro 1-32]
Brown,A. (ed.). 1991. Teaching English pronunciation: a book of readings. London: Routledge.
Brown,A. (ed.). 1992. Approaches to pronunciation teaching. London: Macmillan. [La,Appr 1-2]
Brown,G. 19902. Listening to spoken English. London: Longman. [Ld,Brown 1-2]
Buchanan,C. D. 1963. A programed introduction to linguistics: phonetics and phonemics. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company. [Lg,Buc 1-9]
Bunjes,W.E. & D.M.Dittmer. 1972. A systematic approach to English pronunciation. München: Hueber. [La,Bunj 1]
Canepari,L. 2005. A handbook of phonetics. München: Lincom Europa.
Carr,P. 1999. English phonetics and phonology. Oxford: Blackwell. [Ld,Car 1]
Catford,J. C. 1988. A practical introduction to phonetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Lg,Cat 14]
Celce-Murcia,M., D.Brinton & J.Goodwin. 1997. Teaching pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [La,Cel 19]
Christophersen, P. 1962. An English phonetics course. Ikeja, Accra: Longmans. [Ld,Chr 2/5]
Clark,J. & C. Yallop. 19952. An introduction to phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell. [Lg,Clark 1]
Collins,B. & I.M.Mees (eds). 2003. Practical phonetics and phonology. A resource book for students. London: Routledge. [Lg,Collin 1] (CD sample here: glottal stop in Cockney; [M,Med 107])
Cruttenden,A. 2001. Gimson's pronunciation of English [6th edition]. London: Edward Arnold. [Ld,Gim 1-13]
Crystal,D. 19964. A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics. Oxford: Blackwell. [MD,Cry 1]
Dalton,C. & B. Seidlhofer. 1994. Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [La,Dal 1-5]
Dauer,R.M. 1986. Accurate English: a complete course in pronunciation.Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.
Davenport,M. & S.J.Hannahs. 1998. Introducing phonetics and phonology. London: Edward Arnold. [Ld,Dave 1-2]
Davidsen-Nielsen,N. 1994. An outline of English pronunciation. Copenhagen: Odense University Press.
Dickushina,O.J. 1965. English phonetics. Moscow: Prosveshch'enie. [Ld,Dic 1]
Ehrlich,E. & R. Hand,Jr. 1984. NBC handbook of pronunciation. New York: Harper & Row. [MD, NBC 2 ]
Fraser,H. 2001. Teaching pronunciation: a handbook for teachers and trainers. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
Gilbert,J. 19932. Clear speech: pronunciation and listening comprehension in American English. New York: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Gilb 2, 23-24]
Gimson,A. C. 19894[1962]. An introduction to the pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold. [6th edition as: A. Cruttenden. 2001. Gimson's pronunciation of English. London: Edward Arnold] [Ld,Gim 1-13]
Grant,L. 1993. Well said. Advanced English pronunciation. Boston,MA: Heinleand Heinle.
Gussenhoven,C. & A.Broeders. 1981. English pronunciation for student teachers. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff-Longman.
Gut,U. 2009. Introduction to English phonetics and phonology. Frankfurt: Peter Lang
Hagen,S.A. & P.Grogan. 1992. Sound advantage. A pronunciation book. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall Regents. [Lt,Hag 1]
Hahn,L. & W.Dickerson. 1999. Speechcraft. Ann Arbor,MI: The University of Michigan Press. [Lt,Hah 1]
Hancock,M. 1995. Pronunciation games. Cambridge: CUP. [Lt,Hanco 1-2]
Hancock,M.2003. English pronunciation in use. Cambridge: Cambridge Univeristy Press. [Lt,Hanco 3]
1999. Handbook of the International Phonetic Association. Cambridge: CUP. [Lg,HIPA 1,2]
Handke,J. 2001. The Mouton interactive introduction to phonetics and phonology. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter.
Hardcastle,W.J. & J.Laver (eds). 20102 [1997]. The handbook of phonetic sciences. Oxford: Blackwell. [Lg,HanB 4]
Hawkins,P. 1984. Introducing phonology. London: Hutchinson. [Lg,Hawki 1-10]
Haycraft,B. 1971. The teaching of pronunciation. Longman: Harlow.
Hayward,K. 2000. Experimental phonetics. An introduction. London: Longman. [Lg,Hayw 1]
Hewings,M. 2004. Pronunciation practice activities. A resource book for teaching English pronunciationCambridge: Cambridge University Press. [La, Hew 3-4]
Hewings,M. & S.Goldstein. 1997. Pronunciation tasks. A course for pre-intermediate learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Hew 1]
Hill,L.A.1969. Drills and tests in English sounds. London: Longmans. [Lt,Hil 154-158, 172-194]
Hooke,R. & J. Rowell. 1982. A handbook of English pronunciation. London: Edward Arnold. [Lt,Hook 1-2]
House,L.I. 1998. Introductory phonetics and phonology: a workbook approach. Mahwah,NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Janicki,K. 19956. Elements of British and American English. Poznań: SAWW. [Ld,Jan 21-41]
Jassem,W. 19733[1971]. Podręcznik wymowy angielskiej. Warszawa: PWN. [Lt,Jas 24-25]
Jassem,W. 19744[1954]. Fonetyka języka angielskiego. Warszawa: PWN. [Ld,Jas 25,27-31,34-36]
Jassem,W. 1983. The phonology of modern English. Warszawa: PWN. [Lg,Jas 13-22, 24-25]
Jassem,W. 1995. Exercises in English pronunciation. Warszawa: PWN. [LG 19825]
Jenkins,J. 2000. The phonology of English as an international language. Oxford: OUP. [Ld,Jenk 1]
Jensen,J. T. 1993. English phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Lg,Jense 4-8]
Jones,D. 19564[1909]. The pronunciation of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Ld,Jon 1,8,38,40]
Jones,D. 19679[1918]. An outline of English phonetics. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons,Ltd. [Ld,Jon 9-22,36-37]
Jones,D. 198014[1917]. Everyman's English pronouncing dictionary. London: J. M. Dent & Sons,Ltd. [MD,Jon 15-24,28-29]
Jones,D. 199715[1917]. English pronouncing dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [major new edition prepared by Peter Roach & James Hartman; 16th edition of 2003 with CD-ROM]
Katamba,F. 1989. An introduction to phonology. London: Longman. [Lg,Kata 1]
Kelly,G. 2002. How to teach pronunciation. London: Longman. [La,KelG 1]
Kenworthy,J. 1987. Teaching English pronunciation. London: Longman. [La,Kenw 4-6]
Kenworthy,J. 2000. The pronunciation of English: a workbook. London: Edward Arnold.
Kenyon,J. S. 195810. American pronunciation. Ann Arbor, Mich.: George Wahr Publishing. [Ld,Ken 1,3-4]
Kenyon,J. S. & T. A. Knott. 1953. A pronouncing dictionary of American English. Springfield, Mass. : G. & C. Merriam Company. [MD,Ken 18-19]
Knowles,G.O. 1987. Patterns of spoken English. London: Longman. [Ld,Kno 1]
Kreidler,C.W. 1989. The pronunciation of English. A course book in phonology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [Ld,Kre 2]
Kreidler,C.W. 1997. Describing spoken English. An introduction. London: Routledge. [Ld,Kre 1,3]
Krzeszowski,T. P. 1968. An outline of American English phonetics. Warszawa: PWN. [Ld,Krz 1-20]
Ladefoged,P. 20014[1975]. A course in phonetics (with interactive CD-ROM). New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. [Lg,Lade 13-57,81,98-105]
Ladefoged,P. 20042[2000]. Vowels and consonants. Oxford: Blackwell. [Lg,Lade 109]
Ladefoged,P. 2003. Phonetic data analysis. An introduction to fieldwork and instrumental techniques. Oxford: Blackwell. [Lg, Lade 116]
Laver,J. 1994. Principles of phonetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lg,Lav 3]
Laroy,C. 1994. Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lecumberri,M.L. & J.A.Maidment. 2000. English transcription course. London: Arnold. [Lt,Lec 1,2]
Lewis,N. 1963. Dictionary of modern pronunciation. New York: Harper & Row. [MD,Lew 1-2]
Lujan,B. 2004. The American accent guide. A comprehensive course on sound system of American English. Salt Lake City: LingualArts.
MacCarthy,P. 19504. English pronunciation. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons. [Ld,MacC 5-9]
MacCarthy,P. 1965. A practice book of English speech. London: Oxford University Press. [Lt,Macc 23-32]
MacCarthy,P. 1978. The teaching of pronunciation. Cambridge: The University Press.
Mackay,I. 1987. Phonetics: the science of speech production. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. [Lg,Macka 1-2]
Major,R.C. 2001. Foreign accent. Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Malmberg,B. 1963. Phonetics. New York: Dover Publications. [Lg,Mal 2-3]
McCully,C.B. 2009. The sound structure of English: an introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Miatliuk,H. 2000. A guide to theoretical phonetics. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.
Miller,G.M. 1971. BBC pronouncing dictionary of British names. London: Oxford University Press. [MD,Mille 2]
Miller,S.F. 2000. Targeting pronunciation: the intonation, sounds, and rhythm of American English. Boston,MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. [Lt,MilS 1]
Minugh,D. 1986. On pronounceable English: A handbook of English pronunciation. University of Stockholm.
Morley,J. (ed.). 1989. Current perspectives on teaching pronunciation. Washington,D.C.: TESOL
Morley,J. (ed.). 1994. Pronunciation pedagogy and theory. New views, new directions. Alexandria,VA: TESOL.
Mortimer,C. 1984. Elements of pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Mort 24]
Munro Mackenzie,M.D.1973. Modern English pronunciation practice. London: Longman. [Lt,Macke 1,14-19]
Noory,S. 1971. Dictionary of pronunciation. South Brunswick: A.S.Barnes.
O'Connor,J. D. 1973. Phonetics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. [Lg,O'Co 1-5]
O'Connor,J. D. & J. Fletcher.1991. Sounds English. London: Longman. [Lt,O'Co 92-108]
O'Connor,J. D.1980. Better English pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,O'Co 44,47-51]
Odisho,E.Y. 2003. Techniques of teaching pronunciation in ESL, bilingual and foreign language classes. München: Lincom. [La,Odi 1]
Ogden,R. 2009. An introduction to English phonetics. Edinburgh: EUP.
Orion,G. 1988. Pronouncing American English: sounds, stress, and intonation. New York: Newbury House Publishers.
Pennington,M. 1996. Phonology in English language teaching. Harlow: Addison Wesley. [La,Pen 1]
Pilch,H. 1994. Manual of English phonetics. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. [Ld,Pil 1]
Ponsoby, M. 1995.How now, brown cow? A course in the pronunciation of English.New York: Phoenix ELT.
Prator,C. 19854. A manual of American English pronunciation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. [Lt,Prat 1; Ld,Pra 1-33]
Pring,J. T. 1966. Colloquial English pronunciation. London: Longmans. [Lt,Pri 20]
Reetz,H. & A.Jongman. 2009. Phonetics : transcription, production, acoustics, and perception. Wiley-Blackwell. [LN6725]
Reszkiewicz,A. 1981. Correct your English pronunciation. Warszawa: PWN. [Lt,Res 78]
Roach,P. 20013 [1983]. English phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: The University Press. [Lt,Roa 1-2]
Roach,P. 1992. Introducing phonetics. Harmondsworth: Penguin. [Lg,Roa 1-4]
Roach,P. 2000. A little encyclopedia of phonetics.
Rockey,D. 1973. Phonetic lexicon. London: Heyden & Son, Ltd. [Ld,Roc 1]
Rogers,H. 2000. The sounds of language. An introduction to phonetics. London: Longman. [Lg,Roger 1]
Rogerson,P. & J.B.Gilbert. 1990. Speaking clearly. Pronunciation and listening comprehension for learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Roge 1-24]
Small,L.H. 1998. Fundamentals of phonetics: a practical guide for students. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice Hall.
Smith,J. & M. Bloor. 1985. Simple phonetics for teachers. London: Methuen.
Sobkowiak,W. & J. Szpyra. 1989. Workbook in English phonetics and phonology. Poznań: AMU Press. [Lg,Sob 9-59,61-119]
Sobkowiak,W. & J. Szpyra. 1995. Workbook in English phonetics for Polish students of English. Poznań: Nakom. [1st edition] [Lg,Sob 140-150]
Sobkowiak,W. & J. Szpyra. 2001. Workbook in English phonetics for Polish students of English. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS. [2nd edition]
Sobkowiak,W. 2000. Fonetyka angielska w pigułce. Konin: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej. [M,Med 55]
Sobkowiak,W. 2004. English phonetics for Poles. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie. [3rd edition; Ld,Sob 3-7]
Strevens,P. 1974. A short pronouncing dictionary of modern English. London: Cassell. [MD,Stre 1-2]
Taylor,L. 1993. Pronunciation in action. New York: Prentice Hall. [La,Tay 2-4]
Tench,P. 1981. Pronunciation skills. Basingstoke: Macmillan. [La,Ten 1-3]
Teschner,R.V. & M.S.Whitley. 2004. Pronouncing English: a stress-based approach. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press
Thomas,C. K. 19582. An introduction to the phonetics of American English. New York: The Ronald Press.
Tibbits,E. 1963. Practice material for the English sounds. Cambridge: W.Heffer & Sons. [Lt,Tib 1]
Trask,R.L. 1995. Dictionary of phonetics and phonology. London: Routledge. [MD,Tras 3]
Trim,J. 1965. English pronunciation illustrated Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Lt,Tri -2]
Underhill,A. 1994. Sound foundations. Oxford: Heinemann. [La, Under A 1-4]
Upton,C., R.Konopka & W.A.Kretzschmar. 2001. The Oxford dictionary of pronunciation for current English. Oxford: OUP. [MD, Oxf 55]
Vaugham-Rees,M. 1994. Rhymes and rhythm: a poem-based course for English pronunciation. London: Macmillan Publishers.
Ward,I. C. 19725 . The phonetics of English. Cambridge: Heffer & Sons. [Ld,War 1-2]
Wells,J. C. & G.Colson. 1971. Practical phonetics. London: Pitman.
Wells,J. C. 1982. Accents of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Ld,Wel 1-3]
Wells,J. C. 20002[1990]. Longman pronunciation dictionary. London: Longman. [MD,Wel 5]
Wełna,J. 1982. English spelling and pronunciation. Warszawa: PWN. [Ld,Weł 1-12]
Whitford,H. 1966. A dictionary of American homophones and homographs. New York: Teachers College Press.
Wijk,A. 1966. Rules of pronunciation for the English language. London: Oxford University Press. [Ld,Wij 2-6]
Windsor Lewis,J. 1969. A guide to English pronunciation. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
Windsor Lewis,J. 1972. A concise pronouncing dictionary of British and American English. London: Oxford University Press.
Wynn,J. B. 1987. An English pronunciation dictionary. Domino Books.
Yates,L. 2002. "Fact sheet - what is pronunciation". Macquarie University: AMEP Research Centre.
Zawadzki,H. 1994. In tempo. An English pronunciation course. Macquarie University: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research.
Other bibliographies:
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