Jerzy Wełna: The loss of [ei] : [ai] opposition in Middle English
Luis Iglesias-Rábade: Twin lexical collocations in legal late Middle English
Anna Kamińska: The word order of Old English and Old High German non-conjoined declarative clauses in different text types
Artur Bartnik: Categorial heterogenity: Old English determiners
Michael Bilinsky: Chronological homogeneity in Middle English deverbal word-formation: The evidence from the Oxford English Dictionary
Joanna Nykiel: Resolution of ellipsis: Evidence from Old English sluicing
Göran Wolf: Possible origins of different usages in Present-Day spoken and written English
Tomasz Mokrowiecki: The pre-verbal i- in Early Middle English: An analysis of the formal parameters of the prefixed verbs
Magdalena Bator: The Scandinavian element beyond the Danelaw
Hanna Rutkowska: Evidence for morphological restructuring in the second person pronoun in early English correspondence
Matylda Włodarczyk: More strenger and mightier”: Some remarks on double comparison in Middle English
Janez Orešnik: Natural Syntax: English dependent clauses
Mufutau T. Lamidi: The noun phrase structure in Nigerian English
Anna Czarnowus: Chaucer’s Clergeon, Or Towards holiness in The Prioress’s Tale
Sylwia Borowska-Szerszun: The unruly household in John Heywood’s Johan Johan
Joanna Maciulewicz: The protean nature of Irish tale: The Generic analysis of Maria Edgeworth’s Ennui
Monika Mazurek: The author and the reader – “Us and them” in Maria Edgeworth’s texts for children and young adults
Dorota Filipczak: Paradise revisited: Images of the first woman in the poetry of Joy Kogawa and the fiction of Thomas King
Michał Lachman: History or journalism: Two narrative paradigms in Bloody Sunday. Scenes from the Saville Inquiry by Richard Norton-Taylor
Janusz Semrau: The dis-closure of Huckleberry Finn. Natura naturata vs. lumen naturale, ligthing out vs. Lichtung