Cygan: English vowels and syllable peaks
Polanski: The place of generative grammar in present day linguistics
Cygan: Consonant clusters and distinctive features
Fisiak: The semantics of English loanwords in Polish
Kakietek: Some observations on the modals will and shall
Marton: English and Polish nominal compounds: A transformational contrastive study
Lewandowski: Some observations concerning emphasis
Sienicka: The protagonist of Paterson: Continuity and continuation
Zbierski: Friar Lawrence’s “benefit of clergy”. New light on the denouement of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

Reviews (single pdf file)
Marton: A transformational syntax: The grammar of Modern American English. By Baxter Hathway
Fisiak: Die Expanded Form im Altenglischen. Vorkommen, Funktion und Herkunft der Umschreibung “beon/wesan+Partizip Präsens”. By G. Nickel
Szwedek: Tense and aspect of Present-day American English. By Akira Ota and The English verb. Form and meanings. By Martin Joos
Kakietek: The meanings of the modals in Present-day American English. By M. Ehrman
Jalling: Papers in language and language teaching. By P. D. Strevens
Nowakowski: A guide to Old English. By Bruce Mitchell
Wełna: A comprehensive etymological dictionary of the English language. By Ernest Klein
Awedyk: English and its history. The evolution of a language. By Robert D. Stevick
Jacewicz: English Language Teaching and television. By S. Pit Corder
Nowakowska: An introductory English grammar. By Norman C. Stageberg, With a chapter on transformational grammar. By Ralph Goodman
Nawrocka-Fisiak: Foreign Language Learning. By Robert L. Politzer
Nawrocka-Fisiak: Linguistics and the teaching of reading. By Carl A. Lefevre
Kuczyński: Linguistics and the teaching of English. By Albert H. Mackwardt
Jakubczak: English Syntax: Advanced Composition for Non-native speakers. By A. E. Nichols