The Text Technology workshop will target the creation, maintenance, access and automatic analysis of all kinds of linguistic resources with the means of modern methods related to information modelling and markup languages. By language resources we understand all sorts of material used and created by linguists such as corpora (both spoken and written language), treebanks, lexicons/dictionaries and grammars, but also software architectures and tools for processing these resources. As the creation of this material is time consuming, error prone and hence expensive, the need exists to bundle activities by exchanging data, using it over a long period of time, and to gain as much help by software systems in the process of creation and maintenance of these resource as possible.
Additionally, due to the long life span of language resources, a special requirement is that they are also accessible over time (and new computer platforms) so that generic application programming interfaces are needed to make them available to a widespread community of researchers. Therefore, the workshop is dedicated to the non-exclusive study of the following areas:
These topics are focussing on a linguistic and computational linguistic audience of people applying the technology in every day research. Hence, contributions should be relevant for at least one of these target groups.
The workshop will be organised by Alexander Mehler
( and
Thorsten Trippel
(thorsten.trippel of the
University of
Bielefeld, to whom all questions and abstracts should be directed.
Abstract submission extended deadline: 31 January 2006.