Login changes at LCL

Dear LCL users,

due to some recent rearrangements at LCL, student zone has been closed down. As of now students do not have access to LCL scheduler. Students should contact directly Halszka Bąk, Ph.D student or Sylwiusz Żychliński, Ph.D student ( LCL research assistants ) in order to find out about LCL availability and to book LCL.

Consultations February/2013

Consultations' schedule for Faculty of English staff, Ph.D students, M.A. and B.A. students in February/2013 :

20.02.2013, 17.00 - 19.15

Location : 01A (LCL)
(please stay tuned for the possible updates)

If you need help in executing your experiment into E-Prime® script, LCL/WA offers hands on consultations!

Robert Dyzman M.Sc.Eng. (lcl@wa.amu.edu.pl)

Consultations January/2013

Consultations' schedule for Faculty of English staff, Ph.D students, M.A. and B.A. students in January/2013 :

23.01.2013, 17.00 - 19.15

Location : 01A (LCL)
(please stay tuned for the possible updates)

If you need help in executing your experiment into E-Prime® script, LCL/WA offers hands on consultations!

Robert Dyzman M.Sc.Eng. (lcl@wa.amu.edu.pl)

Consultations November/2012

Consultations' schedule for Faculty of English staff, Ph.D students, M.A. and B.A. students in November/2012 :

22.11.2012, 17.00 - 19.15

27.11.2012, 17.00 - 19.15

Location : 01A (LCL)
(please stay tuned for the possible updates)

If you need help in executing your experiment into E-Prime® script, LCL/WA offers hands on consultations!

Robert Dyzman M.Sc.Eng. (lcl@wa.amu.edu.pl)

LCL inaccessible

As of June 1st 2012, LCL will be inaccessible (till October 2012) due to major renovation works in Collegium Novum.

Consultations May/2012

Consultations' schedule for IFA staff, Ph.D students, M.A. and B.A. students in May/2012 :

10.05.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
17.05.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
23.05.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
30.05.2012, 17.00 - 19.15

Location : 01A (LCL)
(please stay tuned for the possible updates)

If you need help in executing your experiment into E-Prime® script, LCL/IFA offers hands on consultations!

Robert Dyzman M.Sc.Eng. (lcl@ifa.amu.edu.pl)

Consultations April/2012

Consultations' schedule for IFA staff, Ph.D students, M.A. and B.A. students in April/2012 :

04.04.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
13.04.2012, 17.00 - 19.15 (EP-03, EP-04 only)
19.04.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
26.04.2012, 17.00 - 19.15

Location : 01A (LCL)
(please stay tuned for the possible updates)

If you need help in executing your experiment into E-Prime® script, LCL/IFA offers hands on consultations!

Robert Dyzman M.Sc.Eng. (lcl@ifa.amu.edu.pl)

Current Research Projects

Kurs obsługi programu E-Prime (EP-03, EP-04), kontynuacja. Analiza danych E-Prime

W dniu 13.04.2012, w godz. 17.00-19.15, planowana jest kontynuacja kursu E-Prime.

Zajęcia przewidziane są wyłącznie dla studentów IFA, uczestników kursu EP-03, EP-04.

Planowana agenda :

- manipulacja plikami e-data;
- tworzenie filtrów;
- import pliku z danymi do spss;
- działanie programu do zarządzania eksperymentami, Exp-Manager;

Osoby zainteresowane uczestnictwem w szkoleniu proszone są o mailowe (na adres lcl@ifa.amu.edu.pl) potwierdzenie swojej obecności do 10.04.2012

Miejsce szkolenia : laboratorium LCL, pok. 01A (piwnica).

Wymagania minimalne:

Consultations March/2012

Consultations' schedule for IFA staff, Ph.D students, M.A. and B.A. students in March/2012 :

07.03.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
16.03.2012, 17.00 - 19.15 (EP-03, EP-04 only)
21.03.2012, 17.00 - 19.15 (new!)
22.03.2012, 17.00 - 19.15
29.03.2012, 17.00 - 19.15

Location : 01A (LCL)
(please stay tuned for the possible updates)

If you need help in executing your experiment into E-Prime® script, LCL/IFA offers hands on consultations!

Robert Dyzman M.Sc.Eng. (lcl@ifa.amu.edu.pl)

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