Thornh, George

Grahamstown July. 29th 1821
Worthy and Hd Governer
Its with the Depost umility I take
Up my unworthy pen to adrees you
But feeling fuley asurid that God
Has Emplanted in in your simpathesing
Mind to much of his Blessed Sons Example
to Be angry with an orphen like me
who now humbley Beogs that your kind
Benovelent will Grant me a Colonial
pass as it is my Determination to Bind
My self as an aprintice for three years
But inconsiquence of having no
Colonial pass I Cannot. I have
apied to Captn Camble and to
Captn Somerstet in his time and now
remain with in MrHuntley Employ
at Grahamstown. If your Goodness
will Grant the foresaid Belive me I
shall feel my self in dutey Bound
to pray for your Honnours Wellfair
So I remain your humble and p Serven
George Thorrn

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