Bold, John

Sir /

I hope you will not deem this insulting when your read the sequel,//
I am eboldened to trouble your with this from a feeling//
sence of your Philanthropy in the Bequest of the 5//
Dollars. I was more affected for the donation from a//
Sence that it was unusal thing for me to receive Charity//
I Beg the fevor to lay before you a Short Epitome of /my\//
Situation. I came out as a Settler from pure motives//
Expected from the flattering accounts I had heard I could//
Bring \up/ the younger Part of \my/ family I have had 12 Children//
10 are now alive _ I brought a lot of useful articles with//
me and Better than 300 Vols of Books. But all are gone,//
to raise money to Cultivate the Land, it has cost me//
Near 100\3+/ and am Sorry to State I have not reaped//
10 dollars. I have Sold my beds from under me and has//
Scarcely Blankets to cover me and family _ I have Sold//
whatever I could to raise a little money to Pay my debts//
And to Bring me here _ I have been 2 1/2 years in a State//
of Sufferings _ last October 2 years I Broke out of the//
scurvy was Cover/e\d from head to foot with Scolds was \orderd///
in Febry to the Coury the salt water killed the disorder//
But left A Billious Complaint which has contined//
ever Since all this was for want of Medical aid _ I lay//
4 Months in Bed at the Location with only toast//

and water I am reduced to a Skelliton and am Perfect//
weaknes+s _ to diy I cannot and as yet I cannot beg being//
as+shamed _ I am an afflicted Stranger in Strange//
Land And I cast my Case upon you as the Government//
has been pleased to Commit \me/ to your Charge _ //
I humbly solicit you will \have the goodnes+s to/ send me to my native//
land, as very soon all I have will be gone _//

I am Honorid Sir//
Your very//
Humble Servant//
John Bold//
May 5\th/ 1823//
Cappe Town//
P S as tomorrow Tuesday my be a Buisy day//
I will wait upon you on Wednes+sday There//
is a man of war sailing in a few days//
from Simons Bay would it Sir be Practable//
to send me in that _//

b. Liverpool
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