Patrick, Benjamin

The Memorial of Benjamin Patrick Dealer
and Chapman residing at Salem Town, near
Assiquay Bush most humbly Sheweth
That your Memorialist who is a
Widower with a family, having formed an
attachment to the Widow of an English Settler
lately deceased, who has left no children., and
who is labouring under great disadvantages as
to the management of her Cattle &c most humbly
prays your Excellencys gracious permission to be
united with her, upon complying with the required
forms) in holy Wedlock at any period they think
proper, before the expiration of the term required
by the Dutch Laws. And your Excellencys Memorialist
as a Subject of the British Sceptre ventures to hope that
your Excellency will allow no more restraint to be
laid upon him in this particular, than what has
been done by the glorious Constitution of England
and your Memorialist will ever pray &c

Ireland (?)
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farmer, dealer, chapman
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