Parker, George

To His Excellency the Right Honble General
Lord Charles Henry Somerset
Governor, and Commander in Chief,
Cape of Good Hope
&c. &c. &c.
The humble Memorial of George Parker,
That your Memorialist obtained
from your Excellency a Grant of land at Worcester, that
he has to Complain that not more than two thirds of
said Grant Can ever be brought into Cultivation.
That an alteration was ordered by the Landdrost, so as to
remove more than half the said Grant, after he had
Cultivated a part thereof. at the very time he was _
ploughing and Sowing, that on application to the
Landdrost in writing no satisfactory answer could be
obtained, from which circumstance, he found it _
impossible to Pursue his agricultural Pursuits any
further that year, that the said alteration was the
cause of a quantity of Salt swamp being measured in,
which is of no value whatever.
That he has a family of 5 Children

That he was in a Great Measure Induced to
settle so far in the Interior in consequence of holding the
Place of Postmaster, that he held the Situation only
3 Quarters & Month when it was given to the Chief
Clerk in the Landrosts Office, a young Man without
family and Agent to the Sequestrator that Me: did Duty
of Receiving the letters in the town during the Quarter
ending in December 1822 and Mr. Scholz drew the
Salary for that time,
That he was the only Englishman settled
there, and is the only One, that was Deprived of his
Situation In toto in consequence of the Drostdy being
removed to Worcester ) that to the present day Memo..
Considers he has never been fairly dismised.
That he has been Stigmatized by the
Landdrost in a manner Calculated, in his opinion, to
prevent any one doing business with him.

That himself and family have been much
Insulted by the Under Sheriff and Messenger, that
Memo: thinks they do so inconsequence partly) or
what they have heard the Landdrost say of him.
That he thinks the Landdrost neglects.
him in a case of theft committed, on his Premises
Twelve Months back. Strong suspicion falling upon
the Slave Boy belonging to the Under Sheriff.
That Memo: does most humble and respectfully,
Prays your Excellencys Interference.
And your Memorialist, as in
duty bound will ever Pray
Cape Town
23rd. Feby 1824

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postmaster, shopkeeper
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