Carter, James

Uitenhage May 10\th/ 1821 /
Sir /
I humbly beg leave to inform /
your Excellency that I am directed by /
Col. Cuyler to request from Your Excell=lency /
my Colonial Pas+s, which I paid /
for on 27\th/ Oct\r/ last. /
I further beg leave to acquaint /
your Excellency that I am a Blacksmith /
and Farrier by trade, but am in /
Consequence of wanting my Colonial pas+s /
oblig’ed to remain in this Drostdea, working /
for half Wages. _ /
I humbly beg your Excellency will /
please to order it for me and your Excellencys /
Very humble Servant will for ever pray. _ /
To His Excellency Sir /
Rufane Shaw Donkin /
K C. B. Gen\l/ 7+ Comm\r/ of /
the Forces 7+c 7+c 7+c /
Uitenhage /
James Carter /

blacksmith and farrier
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settler party: Mill