Roes, David

To His Excellency The Right Honourable General Lord /
Charles Henry Somerset Governor of His Mejesty’s /
Castle: Town and Settlement of The Cape of Good Hope /
7+c 7+c 7+c /
May it please your Excellency /
The Memorial of David Roes most humbly /
Sheweth /
That your Excellency’s Memorialist who came to this Colony at his own expence purchased some time /
ago a certain portion of Land on the Location as+signed to M\r/ Nathaniel Morgan which /
belonged to /
Charles Kestall by virtue of his connection with the s\d/ Party, the Duplicate of which is hereto annexed /
and who is still living at his Location and cultivating the Land which he retains /
That your Excellency’s Memorialist has erected a Cottage on his s\d/ Farm, Stocked it with a /
considerable number of Cattle and is also desirous of making other great and important improvements, and /
which he is confident could never have been affected had it remained in the hands {in the hands} of the original /
proprietor _ Memorialist having done more work upon the s\d/ Location than the whole party, but he is /
frequently annoyed by persons cutting down and disposing of the Mimose Trees whereby he is considerably /
injured and your Memorialist not having his Title thereto is prevented from instituting legal proceedings /
That your Excellency’s Memorialist /therefore\ (who is perfectly ready and willing to pay at a moment’s /
notice the amount of duty required by His Majesty’s Colonial Government for the Transfer of the said /
Land) humbly prays that your Excellency will be graciously pleased with your accustomed goodnes+s to /
ratify and confirm the annexed Agreement and allow him to have his Diagram on his conforming with /
the Laws of the Colony so that hes property may became protected and your Memorialist as in duty /
bound will ever pray 7+c /

farmer (?)
Cape archive: 
TNA reference: 
223/191 signature (literate)
Type ?: 
Scribal Informants
Rich or Plain: 
Rich Text
Additional information: 
settler party: independent/ Howard?