Wallace, James

I James Wallace lived with M\r./ George Bennett /
in Grahams Town at the time M\r./ Bishop Burnett /
arrived on the Frontier. he was furnished with every /
thing he required from M\r./ Bennetts store on credit /
himself domestics and family were entirely supported /
by M\r./ Bennett for about nine months. also the /
Husbandmen employed on his farm received their /
wages M\r./ Bennett was never paid. which /
occasioned M\r./ Bennets insolvency. [Burnett /
with an intention to defraud the creditors of /
Bennett ] advised the latter to send to his farm /
two Pipes of wine four cases of tin, and several /
other valuable articles In Consequence of a quarrel /
between the Parties Burnett reported to Cap\t/ Somerset /
/than Acting Landdrost.\ the following circumstance ! {and that} my waggon was hired /
to convey the articles again to Grahams Town which /
was afterwards sold by the sequestrator for the /
benefit of Bennetts creditors _ I further myself /
supported M\r./ Burnett and his family for nearly /
two Months, and for which I was to receive payment /
but [never did] and calculate that I lost by M\r/ /
Burnett on this occasion Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars /
Grahams Town /
Oct\r/ 1825/
J. Wallace /

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