Thornhill, Christopher Camm

Cape Town Octo: 13\th/ 1824 /
Hy Brink Esq\r/ /
Sir /
His Excellency having been kind enough /
to purchase some Iron Mills for the /
Convenience of the Settlers; Permit me /
to offer my opinion of the best mode of /
employing them: under the direction of /
the Landdrost; who will, no doubt, select /
a proper person on each Location, to take /
charge of them; /
I would recommend that one farthing /
Per pound be paid for grinding; for the /
purpose of Keeping the Mills in repair; /
and paying for the Cast & charges of them /
and, when the Cast & expences are paid /
the Landdrost, with permis+sion of His /
Excellency, may dispose of them to the /
Parties. or, it may be, perhaps, as /
well to let them at the Cast & charges; which might /
answer a better purpose _ and Save trouble /
I have the honor to remain /
Sir /
Your mo: ob\t/ Ser\t/ /
C. T. Thornhill /

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