Thornh, George

Grahamstown July. 29\th/ 1821 //
Worthy and H\d/ Governer //
Its with the Depost umility I take //
Up my unworthy pen to adrees you //
But feeling fuley asurid that God //
Has Emplanted in in your simpathesing //
Mind to much of his Bles+sed Sons Example //
to Be angry with an orphen like me //
who now humbley Beogs that your kind //
Benovelent will Grant me a Colonial //
pas+s as it is my Determination to Bind //
My self as an aprintice for three years //
But inconsiquence of having no //
Colonial pas+s I Cannot. I have //
apied to Cap\tn/ Camble and to //
Cap\tn/ Somerstet in his time and now //
remain {with} \in/ M\r/Huntley Employ //
at Grahamstown. If your Goodnes+s {} \{}/ //
will Grant the foresaid Belive me I //
shall feel my self in dutey Bound //
to pray for your Honnours Wellfair //
So I remain your humble and p Serv\en/ //
George Thorr\n/

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