Slater, Thomas

His Excellency Major General S\r./ Rufane Shawe Donkin /
Gen\l./ Commander of the most Honorable 7+ Military Order /
of the Bath acting Govenor, and Commanding in Chief /
his Majesty’s forces at the Cape of Good Hope, 7+c. 7+c. 7+c. /
May it please your excellency /
The memorial of Tho. Slater, Settler in Sephton’s Party /
States with humility, that he, with his wife, and Seven /
Children, received permis+sion from his Majesty’s Colonial /
Secretary of State, to embark for the Cape of Good Hope /
and that he paid a Deposit of Thirty two pounds, ten S+hillgs /
that previous to embarking one of his Children Sarah Slater /
in whose account he paid Ten pounds was taken ill and /
prevented from embarking with him, Your Memorialist /
therefore humbly solicits your excellency will have the /
Goodnes+s to order the Remainder of the Deposit money /
paid on her behalf to be repaid /
With the Greatest Respect your Memorialist remain /
Your excellency’s Much Obliged, hum\ble./ Servant /
Tho. Slater /

scholarly man
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