Shawe, Samuel Edward

Klein Valley Feby 15\th/ 1822 /

His Majestys Fiscal having treated /
me So very uncourtiously with respect to my /
past demand for indemnification of expences /
incurred by me in answering his Summons /
(M\r./ Ingrams bus+sines+s in Cape Town I /
must take the liberty of making you ac=quainted /
with the circumstances in hopes /
that thro your kind interference my Case /
may be taken into consideration and as I /
am totally unacquainted with the Mode of /
proceeding in Such a Case I throw my self /
with confidence on the protection of the Go=vernment /
I wrote at three different peri=ods /
to H. M. Fiscal on this subject but was ne=ver /
honored with a reply to any of my
applications . At length a paper was sent /
up to this Drosdy for Signatures Specyfy=ing /
the amount that would be allowed to /
the different persons that were neces+si=tated /
to proceed to Cape Town on that /

Occ /

Occasion amongst the rest of my demand was Cur=tailed /
to Rix Dollars altho I had a Horse at /
*ery during my Stay (being obliged to Ride /
and also had my Articled Carpenter Mr Roberts /
there who was detained from my employment /
for 30 Days and that at the most particular /
Season of the year By the Fiscals desire /
I gave my horse to M\r./ Fryer to ride the first /
Stage but he took it on to Jack Lowlsirs at /
Deep Rivers and there left it disablid I was /
Since obliged to hire a Hottentot to go for the /
Horse which cost me three and half Rix D\s/ /
besides being served with a Bill of Six Rix D /
for his keep. Now M\r./ Fryer who had neither /
Man or Horse at the Cape was found with /
Waggon and Foud and was allowed 117 Rix /
Dollars which mine were only estimated at /
115 Rix Ds altho I was obliged to find a Convoy=aner /
and Foud for myself under those /
circumstances I refused to Sign the /
paper in question and furnished the Lan=drost /
with my reasons for Such refusal at /
the time which was forwarded to the Fiscal /
and he has Since written in reply to the /
Landdrost to say that he will take Mea=Sures /
to have every other Person paid but/
that I must apply thro Some other Chan=nel /
I therefore avail myself of his Suggestion /
and as I know of no other Channel that /
can afford me redres+s I trust it will /
plead my excuse for troubling you with /
this Letter I beg also to inform you that /
I was twenty one Days absent and was /
two Days longer in Cape Town than Fryer /
having arrived a Day before and was ditaind /
by the Fiscal a day after he left Town, I also /
beg to state that I was obliged to hire a /
Man to take charge of my Place as I could /
not leave my Family consisting of Fe=males /
and Infant Children at a dis=tance /
of Miles from any habitation /
without Some protection my Servant /
Roberts having been summoned as well /
as myself as it now Stands I doubt not /
but you will have it adjusted as from the /
Calamity I have Suffered and more re=cent /
disappointments I am really in /
want of it /
I have the Honor to be /
Sir /
Your most Obd\t/ humble Servant /
Col. Bird /
7+c 7+c 7+c /
S.E. Shawe /

King's County Ireland
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