Patrick, Benjamin

The Memorial of Benjamin Patrick Dealer /
and Chapman residing at Salem Town, near /
As+siquay Bush most humbly Sheweth /
That your Memorialist who is a /
Widower with a family, having formed an /
attachment to the Widow of an English Settler /
lately deceased, [who has left no children.], and /
who is labouring under great disadvantages as /
to the management of her Cattle 7+c most humbly /
prays your Excellency’s gracious permis+sion to be /
united with her, (upon complying with the required /
forms) in holy Wedlock at any period they think /
proper, before the expiration of the term required /
by the Dutch Laws. And your Excellencys Memorialist /
as a Subject of the British Sceptre ventures to hope that /
your Excellency will allow no more restraint to be /
laid upon him in this particular, than what has /
been done by the glorious Constitution of England /
and your Memorialist will ever pray 7+c /

Ireland (?)
farmer, dealer, chapman
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